dream wedding link


Friday, 19 November 2010

"Where's my party bag?"

Are favours expected at a wedding now? rather like the party bag at the end of the party for children when you as Mum cringe to hear your child state rather loudly " Where's my party bag?" but its the norm now just like the sweet inside each layer of a pass the parcel, time was I remember you just had a prize at the end but now.......

well fear not favours need not cost the earth as there are ways you can save a bob or two when sorting your favours, with prices from as little as 30p we at Box Clever Wedding can save you a fortune, the handbags you see above start at 30p and are a doddle to put together and come in 10 colours and 4 ivory/white patterns, now they look sweet enough on there own or you could add a little ribbon and a flower, now if you do it yourself you can cut out my labour time so that saves you money, scout out your family and friends chances are you have some talented people around you are they hiding thier talent under a bushel? I am sure they would love to help contribute to your day and will feel so proud when they attend your wedding and see all the lovely things they have helped you make.

these chests are a lovely addition and start at 40p they come in 8 colours and 5 ivory/white patterns

we also have cones from 40p these come in 7 colours and 5 ivory/white patterns

and our silk range of 50x50x50mm square box with lid from 60p and in 21 yes 21 colours and 5 ivory/white patterns
we will happily talk to you about all the options available and can create designs with your colours and themes in mind just drop us a line 01278 453263 boxclever1@yahoo.co.uk

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