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Friday, 27 May 2011

Favours or not!

On a recent conversation with a lovely beautician from USA I made a discovery, discussing the economic climate I said I thought there was a turn down in trends for favours & that due to smaller budgets one of the 1st things to go when cost saving was the favours "OMG" she exclaimed "how do they thank their guests!"
While I believe the British stiff upper lip is a character trait we can be proud of I do think she might have a point! Favours do not need to cost a fortune you can but DIY kits of very simple flat packed boxes from as little as 30p each from Box Clever Wedding, sweets can be bought wholesale in most towns now or why not try a different filling like seeds & a little hand written poem/quote, forget-me-nots are a good one for people to not forget the day or Sunflower seeds, bringing you a little sunshine from our day, I think people very much appreciate a little gift, it shows that you have taken time to make something special for each one of them, there will always be some of your guests who want to take a momento of the day away with them so as another cost cutting saving you could combine favours & a guest name. Here are some examples of favours from 30p

1 comment:

Uhooi said...

Wow,, It's a very sweet, creative and good,
